Monthly Archives: January 2014

New Year New Resolutions

It is now coming up for a year since I left the mobile communications industry and so I have started to play more music with the band.   Now that I’ve got more time to focus on music, this year I have plans to get even more involved in various […]

Jazz in 2014 – is it relevent?

For a long time now some people have been telling us that jazz is no longer relevant and that live music is dying – another victim in the change of culture/economy etc.  However if you ask the question “what is jazz” then you will get as many different answers as […]

Jazzmain Website Revamp

Although we have been busy performing at events such as dances, dinners, corporate gigs, weddings, festivals etc not only in Edinburgh and Glasgow but elsewhere in Scotland and Ireland, the Jazzmain website was sadly neglected, with no updates being posted during 2013. And so it is with renewed enthusiasm that […]